
Wood Vs. Steel Support Beams - B

Steel support is very durable and is more likely to survive natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and fire. Steel also does not rot, mold, or dry out. It is not subject to infestation and will not shrink or warp in different weather conditions. Steel supports, walls, and frames stay straight and flat through construction and during its lifetime better than wood.


Steel beam support can be pre-engineered or prefabricated, meaning the construction is done beforehand. This can save time and money and is generally an easier way to construct a building. This is done by constructing certain parts, bodies, or pieces in a factory before they are shipped to a construction site.

Both steel roof support and wood have claims to being green, or environmentally-friendly. Wood grows naturally so the energy needed to process it is little. Iron on the other hand must be dug from the ground and then processed in large factories. This can create large amounts of greenhouse gases and pollution. However, while wood is a renewable resource, it is dependent on the time it takes to grow a tree and whether or not enough trees are growing. Steel is not a renewable resource, but it easier to recycle than wood. In fact, a great deal of steel in the United States is recycled.

