
24KG light steel rail for sale

The 24KG light steel rail is used in the steel train way and mining project .

The following is standard size list . you have the choose what you need .

About China’s Steel Rails Classification

In China, according to the weight of per meter, steel rails are divided into crane rail, heavy rail and light rail in three ways:

1) Crane rails including QU120, QU100, QU80, QU70 of four, its material is generally manganese steel, the largest single weight is QU120 up to 118kg / m.

2) Heavy rail. According to the steel grades, it is divided into: general manganese rail, copper carbon steel rail, steel rail of high silicon copper, copper rails, rail manganese, silicon rail and so on. There are 38, 43 and 50kg three types. Besides, there are also a small number of 45kg for the rail line, it has been planned on the large volume and high speed rail lines with the 60kg. GB2585- 81 sets out of 38 ~ 50kg / m rail technical conditions, the size and code, such as shown in Table 6-7-10.

3) Light rail, including 8kg/m,9kg/m,12kg/m,15kg/m,22kg/m,24kg/m,30kg/m

In 2007, China promulgated a new standard GB 2585-2007, in addition to 38 ~ 50kg / m, the new increase of 60kg / m heavy rail and 75kg / m of heavy machinery rail.


Engineer: Adding steel rails on top of Causeway’s concrete barriers would make bridge much safer

Adding a steel rail atop the concrete barriers that line both spans of the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway would make the bridge safer, a Texas A&M engineer told a Mandeville audience Wednesday night.
satrise steel rail
The present barriers, especially the 25-inch-high ones on the southbound bridge, are too low to prevent high-profile vehicles, such as trucks and SUVs, from vaulting over the edge like “a ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ ramp,” as one driver described it.

A double steel rail, bolted into the concrete barrier and rising nearly 2 feet above it, would greatly improve the chances of keeping cars and trucks on the bridge when they lose control and begin swerving, according to engineer William Williams.

Williams made a similar presentation at a Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission meeting earlier this year.

The GNOEC commissioned the Texas A&M study as a way to help prevent “overboards,” crashes in which a vehicle goes over the side of the bridge into Lake Pontchartrain. Since 1994, there have been about 14 overboards on the Causeway, 11 of which have resulted in fatalities.

All but one of the 14 occurred on the southbound span, where the concrete railings are 6 inches lower than on the northbound bridge. The metal rail parts on top of the barrier on the southbound bridge is only a handrail and provides no resistance to cars that hit the barrier, according to Williams, who headed the study.

The difference between the two bridges’ railings — built a decade apart in the last century — was brought into sharp relief Wednesday morning, when a northbound 18-wheeler swerved and slammed on the brakes in an effort to avoid a slower-moving car, said Carlton Dufrechou, the GNOEC’s general manager.

Partially due to the higher railings on the northbound span, the truck did not go overboard but stopped with one tire overhanging the barrier, Dufrechou said.

Williams and his team tested four different railing designs. Two of the designs had a single rail and two had double rails. They crashed three different vehicles into each of the railings, judging each on impact and how well it kept the vehicle in the roadway.

The double rail performed the best, Williams told his audience of several dozen Wednesday night. Putting it on top of the concrete barrier on the southbound span would raise the barrier height to 46 inches.

At that height, Williams said, the rail railway industry should be able to prevent most large vehicles, including large panel trucks, from going over the side. A single rail on top of the northbound bridge’s concrete barrier would be sufficient, he said.

Some in the audience questioned whether people driving on the bridge would still be able to see the lake and whether keeping out-of-control cars on the bridge would be less safe for other drivers.

Dufrechou said the possibility of saving someone’s life diminishes “astronomically” if they go over the side.

The Causeway’s engineering consulting firm, GEC, is conducting a study of the cost of installing nearly 100 miles of railings on the bridge. The results are expected in September or October.

It will likely be next spring before the timeline for any project could be established, Dufrechou said.

The true challenge will be footing the bill, which could reach nine digits. Causeway officials have been unsuccessful in securing federal grants for the project, but they have vowed to keep trying. They have also floated the idea of raising tolls on the bridge, which have gone up just one time in the bridge’s nearly six-decade history.


Latest News in the Mining Industry: At least one large gold hedge this year

Gold producers limited their hedging during the first quarter according to the latest data about forward selling in the gold mining industry mining parts from metals research firm GFMS Thomson Reuters.

The global producer hedge book contracted in the first quarter by 800,000 ounces (2.6 tonnes) compared to 1.44 million ounces or 45 tonnes of net hedging in the final quarter last year.

In 2014 as a whole, mining bolts hedging contributed 3.33 million ounces (103 tonnes) to gold supply, largely on account of two large hedges by Russia's Polyus Gold and Mexico's Fresnillo.

During the first quarter, 29 companies were net de-hedgers, with 16 companies adding to their delta-adjusted hedge positions.

The largest de-hedger was Polyus Gold, strong mine screening netting the world's eight largest gold miner in terms of output, through deliveries against the large hedge position entered into last year. The rouble strengthened by 39% in the first quarter compared to the final quarter of 2014.

The largest individual hedge was undertaken by Saracen Mineral Holdings, which sold 120,000 ounces forward in as part of plans to re-start its mothballed Thunderbox mine.

The marked-to-market value of the aggregate producer hedge book fell by only $5 million to $295 million.

The volume of the global producer hedge book stood at 6.21 million ounces (193 tonnes) at the end of Q1 2015, a far cry from levels in the region of 3,000 tonnes seen before gold began its 12-year upward climb.

Locking in prices and steady cash flow made sense for gold miners when gold was around the $300-level with little prospect of any substantial move higher.

But as gold's bull run gained momentum producers lost out on billions of dollars under contracts signed for future delivery well below the ruling price – and often below cost.

With gold trading in a downtrend – averaging $1,201 during the first quarter nearly 40% below its peak – there was an expectation that hedging may make a comeback, but so far this has not panned out.

GFMS said in the report that since the end of the first quarter, relatively little new hedging has been announced:

"We expect this trend of small-scale hedging, often in relation to project financing, together with expansions of existing programs, to persist through 2015.

"If hedging activity remains at the level seen throughout the first half of this year, net de-hedging may be the eventual outcome for the year as new activity will scarcely balance the scheduled unwinding of existing hedge contracts.

"However, it would take only one or two new hedges of the magnitude undertaken by Polyus or Fresnillo during 2014 to tip the balance firmly back into net hedging, and we take the view that 2015 is likely to see at least one large new hedge from a gold producer."

GFMS expects net hedging of approximately 1.93 million ounces (60 tonnes) during 2015.